Dean's List Policy

What is the Dean's List?

The dean's list is a scholarly award for students who demonstrate academic excellence. The award is based on GPA, though specific qualifications for making the dean's list each semester. The dean's list gets released each semester after final grades have been posted. The registrar’s office will compile the Dean’s List for students enrolled in the Degree Completion Program at the end of each fall, spring and summer semesters. The cumulative G.P.A. based on the five (5) sessions that can occur during these semesters will be used to determine eligibility for the Dean’s List. Current policies regarding Dean’s List as stated in the Walsh University Catalog will be used to determine eligibility. Below are the criteria for Dean's List for a Full-Time Student and a Part-Time Student.

Full-Time Student

  • Full-Time students (12 hours or more) who achieve a grade average of 3.5 or higher in Fall, Spring and Summer semesters are included on the Dean’s List.

Part-Time Students

  • Part-time students (less than 12 hours) are considered for the Dean’s List in the semester their class status changes (freshman to sophomore, etc.).