Professional Aviation (B.S.)

*Effective Spring 2024, the Bachelor of Science Professional Aviation degree is available to undergraduate/post-baccalaureate students who enter the University beginning Spring 2024, or have officially advanced their catalog of record to 2023-2025. 



Area 1: American Winds-Aviation Academic Courses (27 Credit Hours)
AV 350Advanced Aerodynamics3
AV 351Advanced Aircraft Systems3
AV 352Adv. Aircraft Familiarization3
AV 353Aviation Weather3
AV 354Crew Resource Management3
AV 355Federal Aviation Regulations3
AV 455Jet Engines3
AV 456Commercial Piloting3
AV 450Fundamentals of Instruction (Optional)3
Area 2: Choose One Area of Focus, A or B (15 Credit Hours)15
A: Business (Focus on Management/Marketing)
Principles of Marketing
TH1:CIT: Principles of Mgmt
Project Management
Digital Marketing
Industrial/Organizatio Psyc
B: Business (Focus on Accounting/Analytics)
Financial Accounting
Managerial Accounting
FD: Business Statistics
Business Research & Analytics
Industrial/Organizatio Psyc
Area 3: Humanities for Professionals- *Required Courses for ATP Restricted License (37 Credit Hours)37
Introduction to Excel
Premier Skills/Professionalism
Interpersonal Communication
Exploration of Self
Professional Writing I
TH2: History of Aviation
Algebra II
Intro to Stats and Analytics
T1:FD:Physical Science
T1:FD: Principles of Psych
T1:FD:Principles of Sociology
T1:FD:The Judeo-ChristianTrad
Any of the following courses at the 200+ level: HIST/GFA/PHIL/THEO/ARHI/ART/MUS/ENG
Area 4: American Winds-FAA Certification Courses22
Private Pilot Ground
Private Pilot Flight (Lab)
Instrument Rating Ground
Instrument Rating Flight (Lab)
Commercial Pilot Ground
Commercial Pilot Flight 1
Commercial Pilot Flight 2
Commercial Pilot Flight 3
Elective Ground: AV 310/AV 400/AV 410/AV 420
Elective Ground/Flight Options-Choose 1 Option Below5
Option 1
Comm Pilot Add Class Ground
Comm. Pilot Add. Class Flight
Option 2
Cert. Flight Instructor Ground
Cert. Flight Instructor Flight
Option 3
Cert.Flight Instrument Instruc
Cert.Flight Instrument Flight
Option 4
Cert. Multi Engine Instructor
Cert.Multi Engine Flight
Total Hours106