Interdisciplinary Studies (B.A. or B.S.)



Humanities Requirements - 36 Credit Hours
Disciplinary Studies – Insert 3 clusters of 4 courses totaling 12 credit hours, each in a different discipline or area of study, for a total of 36 credit hours.
Discipline/Area of Study A - 12 Credit Hours
Discipline/Area of Study B - 12 Credit Hours
Discipline/Area of Study C - 12 Credit Hours
*At least one course in each disciplinary study area must be 300 level or above. Transfer students must take at least one course in each disciplinary study area at Walsh University.
The Integrative Project (3 Credit Hours) will connect the above chosen disciplines or areas of study.
Integrative Project - Gen Stud
Internship (1-3 Credit Hours) - if not fulfilled through an Internship course in one of the three areas of study
Electives - if needed to complete required 120 graduation credit hours.

*The IDS 480 course can be treated as an elective if the student took a different internship with a course prefix/number associated with one of their three disciplines.
**In order to qualify for an off-campus internship, the student must have at least a 2.5 GPA overall. If the student has a GPA below 2.5, an on-campus internship will be provided.