Psychology (B.A.)



Psychology Foundations
PSYC 120T1:FD: Principles of Psych3
PSYC 210T1:DV:FD: HumanDevelAcrossLife3
PSYC 202Adv Principles of Psychology3
BSC 220Social Research Methods3
BSC 221Stats for Behavioral Science3
PSYC 251Physiological Psychology3
PSYC 321Experimental Psychology3
PSYC 401DV: TH1: Abnormal Psychology3
Core Areas in Psychology12
Choose 1 from each of the 2 Core Areas & Choose 2 electives:
Principles of Learning
Cognitive Processes
Social Processes
Industrial/Organizatio Psyc
DV:Social Psychology
Choose any two electives:
*Note: if students take both capstone courses (BSC 440 and PSYC 460) they can count one as an elective
Culminating Experience
BSC 430DM:DV:Applied Behav Science Se (Culminating Experience)3
BSC 440SL:H3:DV:Applied Behav Sci Int3-6
or PSYC 460 H3:Senior Research Project
*Note only BSC 440 has a credit hour range of 3-6
Total Hours42-45