Intervention Specialist - Licensure Program - Moderate/Intensive Intervention Program (B.S.E.)



Education Core Requirements (39 sem. hrs.)
EDUC 107School and Society: Intro Educ3
EDUC 206TH1:SL:DV:Ex&MultiCultGlobSoci3
EDUC 208DM:Instructional Technology3
EDUC 250Foundation of Literacy3
EDUC 252Prin/Prac of Tch Phon Aw & Pho3
EDUC 264TH1:H2b:TH3:DM:EducationPsych3
EDUC 351Methods of Teaching Devel Lit3
EDUC 353Literacy Assess/Intervention3
EDUC 450Preclinical:ProfesInPractice3
EDUC 467Student Teaching Experience9
EDUC 468H3:TH1:DV:CIT:StudentTeachSem3
Intervention Specialist Major Requirements (21 sem. hrs.)
ISE 243Positive Learning Environment3
ISE 245Family, Schools, and Community2
ISE 340Augment/Assist Technologies2
ISE 342Assessment/Planning:Inter Spec3
ISE 344Curri/Interv Strat:Mod/Intens3
ISE 345Tran: Planning/Intervention2
ISE 346FuncLifeSkillsStud w/Spec Nds3
ISE 347Sens/Motor/Hlth Intervent3
Additional Requirments (9 sem. hrs.)
MATH 107Mathematics I for Educators3
MATH 108Mathematics II for Educators3
GFA 209
Total Hours66