School of Arts, Sciences, and Education

Dr. Jackie Novak, Dean

At the heart of Walsh University's liberal arts education is the School of Arts, Sciences, and Education that is comprised of four Divisions:

  • Division of Math & Sciences
  • Division of Humanities
  • Division of Communication, Media, and the Arts
  • Division of Education

The School of Arts, Sciences, and Education offers over 40 majors and related minors. In addition to the divisions listed above, the School also houses Walsh University's:

  • General Education Program
  • Honors Program
  • Hoover Historical Center
  • Global Learning
  • Service-Learning


The School of Arts, Sciences, and Education - in the spirit of the Catholic intellectual tradition - provides dynamic and diverse learning experiences that foster the personal and professional development of students at Walsh University, encouraging reflective, creative, and critical thinking, effective communication, and a commitment to servant leadership.


The School of Arts, Sciences and Education provides graduates with the knowledge, expertise, professional skills, and ethical foundations necessary to face the challenges of a changing world. Grounded in service, social responsibility, faith, and reason, we embrace innovative and transformative teaching methods that support interdisciplinary and global perspectives in student learning, while helping students to develop intellectually and spiritually. The School of Arts, Sciences, and Education is committed to student engagement through mentoring and collaborative undergraduate and graduate research.

The Associate of Arts Degree (A.A.) and the Associate of Science Degree (A.S.)

Candidates for an associate’s degree concentrate on a major field, dispensing with the general studies required in the more extensive bachelor’s degree programs. The A.A. degree candidate is expected to earn a minimum of 60 semester hours of credit. Transfer students in the A.A. degree program must earn at least 30 semester hours at Walsh, including 15 within the declared major.

Grading Scales

All Divisions Except Education
Grade Designation Quality Points Per Credit
A Superior 93-100
A- Excellent 90-92
B+ Very Good 87-89
B Good 83-86
B- Above Average 80-82
C+ Average 77-79
C Average 73-76
C- Below Average 70-72
D+ Poor 67-69
D Very Poor 63-66
D- Extremely Poor 60-62
F Failure -60

Division of education:

Letter Grade       Percentage Range     Description

          A                             96-100                    Superior 4.0

          A-                            93-95                     Excellent 3.7

          B+                           91-92                     Very Good 3.3

          B                             87-90                      Good 3.0

          B-                            85-86                     Above Average 2.7

          C+                           83-84                     Average 2.0

          C                              78-82                     Average 1.7

          C-                            75-77                      Below Average 1.7

          D+                          73-74                      Poor 1.3

          D                             71-72                      Very Poor 1.0

          D-                            68-70                    Extremely Poor 0.7

          F                              Below 68              Failure 0.0