Early Assurance Exercise Science Pre-OT 3+2 Program



Biology Requirements
BIO 200Medical Terminology1
BIO 209Anatomy/Physiology I3
BIO 209LAnatomy/Physiology I: Lab1
BIO 210Anatomy/Physiology II3
BIO 210LAnatomy/Physiology II: Lab1
BIO 309Human Physiology4
Exercise Science Requirements
EXS 101FD: Exercise Physiology I3
EXS 102FD: Exercise Physiology II3
EXS 225Strength Training and Conditin3
EXS 263H1:TH1:DV:CIT:Persl/Com Health3
EXS 300ExerciseTesting & Prescription3
EXS 375Research Design&Elemen.Stats3
EXS 385Biomechanics3
EXS 484Pathophys. of Chronic Disease3
EXS 485SL:Exs.Manag.OfChronicDiseas.2
EXS 498Research Seminar1
Other Requirements
PSYC 120T1:FD: Principles of Psych3
PSYC 210T1:DV:FD: HumanDevelAcrossLife3
PSYC 401DV: TH2: Psychol Disorders3
SOC 101T1:FD:Principles of Sociology3
OT Coursework
OT 502Foundations of OT3
OT 503Human Anatomy5
OT 503LHuman Anatomy Lab0
OT 504Conditions in OT2
OT 506Task Analysis2
OT 602OT Evaluation & Assess Skls3
OT 604Psych Aspects of Occup Perf3
OT 606Therapeutic Interv in Ped3
OT 608Biomechanics in Occup Therapy4
OT 610Neuroscience for Occup Therapy3
OT 612Lvl 1 Fieldwork A/Seminar2
Total Hours82