Early Assurance Exercise Science Pre-OT 3+2 Program



Biology Requirements
BIO 200Medical Terminology1,2
BIO 209Anatomy/Physiology I3
BIO 209LAnatomy/Physiology I: Lab1
BIO 210Anatomy/Physiology II3
BIO 210LAnatomy/Physiology II: Lab1
BIO 309Human Physiology4
Exercise Science Requirements
EXS 100Foundations of Exerc &Sprt Sci3
EXS 101Exercise Physiology I3
EXS 102Exercise Physiology II3
EXS 150First Aid and CPR2
EXS 225Strength Training and Conditin3
EXS 300ExerciseTesting & Prescription3
EXS 362Care/Prev of Athletic Injuries3
EXS 375Research Design&Elemen.Stats3
EXS 385Biomechanics3
EXS 484Pathophys. of Chronic Disease3
EXS 485SL:Exs.Manag.OfChronicDiseas.2
EXS 494Internship3
EXS 498Research Seminar1
Other Requirements
EXS 315Exercise and Sports Nutrition3
MATH 155Elementary Functions I3
MATH 156Elementary Functions II3
MATH 221Statistics3
PHYS 101Principles of Physics I3
PHYS 101LPrinciples of Physics I: Lab1
PSYC 120T1:FD: Principles of Psych3
PSYC 210T1:DV:FD: HumanDevelAcrossLife3
PSYC 401DV: TH1: Abnormal Psychology3
SOC 101T1:FD:Principles of Sociology3
OT Coursework
OT 502Foundations of OT3
OT 503Human Anatomy5
OT 503LHuman Anatomy Lab0
OT 504Conditions in OT2
OT 506Task Analysis2
OT 602OT Evaluation & Assess Skls3
OT 604Psych Aspects of Occup Perf3
OT 606Therapeutic Interv in Ped4
OT 608Biomechanics in Occup Therapy4
OT 610Neuroscience for Occup Therapy3
OT 612Lvl 1 Fieldwork A/Seminar2
Total Hours107-108