Academic Policies and Procedures

Admission Policies

The admission file for an applicant to any graduate program is closed two years from the time of application if the applicant has not completed the admission process. A student wishing to be reconsidered for admission after the two-year limit has passed must reapply to the program.

Admittance to any graduate program is valid for three semesters from the time of admission acceptance.* A student who wishes to matriculate after the three semester time limit has passed must reapply to the program or provide updated documentation as specified by the graduate program director.

*Due to the "lock-step" nature of the Doctor of Physical Therapy and Master of Occupational Therapy programs, this policy does not apply. A written request to defer admission for one year may be reviewed on a case by case basis. Upon review, the Admissions committee for each respective program may approve the one year deferment.

Transfer Policy

A maximum of three courses or nine semester credits of graduate work may be transferred from other accredited institutions, providing the work is completed with a grade of "B" or better. Transferred credit is not included in the calculation of the student’s GPA. Each course transferred in under this procedure will require the separate approval of the respective Program Director. The remainder of the course work for the graduate degree must be earned at Walsh University. Transfer credit is not viewed as an automatic student right. No transfer of credit will be allowed for courses taken more than five years prior to matriculation.

Due to the "lock-step" nature of the Doctor of Physical Therapy and Master of Occupational Therapy programs, this policy does not apply

Time Limit

All requirements for a graduate degree, including any course accepted by transfer, must be completed within six (6) calendar years. The six-year time limit begins with enrollment in the graduate program. Written application for extension must be made to the Program Director and the Office of Graduate Affairs before the start of the last semester of the sixth year.

Graduate Program Leave Policies

Leaves of Absence

Matriculated students who stop taking courses in their graduate program are subject to the time limit policy regardless of inactive terms or semesters.  Only an authorized leave of absence will temporarily "stop the clock" toward the six-year degree completion requirement.  *There are two types of authorized leaves of absence:  medical leave and personal leave.

*Due to the nature of the Doctor of Physical Therapy and the Master of Occupational Therapy programs, the semester requirements of this policy do not apply. The duration of the leave of absence must be authorized by the Program Director.

Medical Leave of Absence

Any student who is experiencing personal/emotional/medical difficulties and is unable to complete academic and/or social responsibilities to Walsh University may request a medical leave of absence.  Requests for medical leaves are initiated through Counseling Services located in the David Family Campus Center.  A medical leave of absence does not guarantee a refund of tuition and fees.

Personal Leave of Absence

A leave of absence for personal reasons (employment changes, family changes, etc.) may be granted on request to the individual graduate Program Director for up to two successive semesters.  Students may request additional personal leaves of absence from their Program Directors.  These requests need to be endorsed by the Dean (Chair in Education) of the School and by the Office of Graduate Affairs.  A personal leave of absence does not guarantee a refund of tuition and fees.

Auditing Graduate Courses

Individuals who complete the application procedure determined by individual graduate programs may choose to audit a graduate course for self-improvement. Tests and class discussion are not required when auditing a graduate course, but the approval of the program director is required. The auditing fee is one-half the regular tuition rate per course and an AU entry is recorded on the transcript.

Academic and Professional Standards

All graduate students must maintain a 3.0 (B) cumulative grade point average or higher to achieve and maintain good academic standing at Walsh University. The University academic standing is used to determine student athletic eligibility.

In addition, students must earn a pass/satisfactory grade in courses that do not require a letter grade. Grades below B- are not acceptable for degree credit and students must retake the course and/or complete a remediation plan for the course. No course grade remediation is available in the Master of Business Administration, Counseling and Human Development or Nursing programs, and students must retake any course with a grade below B-.

Students who do not meet the University’s academic standard of a 3.0 (B) cumulative grade point average or higher will be placed on academic probation at the University level. This academic probation designation will be automatically recorded on the official academic transcript.

If a student is placed on probation in the program or discipline, a process independent of University level academic standing, the recommendation for such status must be approved by the program director or dean prior to submitting documentation to the Office of the Registrar for notation on the academic transcript.

Students who do not meet disciplinary professional standards as outlined by the program and/or academic standards, may be recommended for dismissal. The dismissal designation will be recorded on the official academic transcript, as appropriately authorized by the program or discipline.  All recommendations for dismissal must be approved by the program director or dean prior to submitting documentation to the Office of the Registrar for processing.

Professional Behavior

Ethical and professional behavior reflects a core value of Walsh University to educate "its students to become leaders in service to the Judeo-Christian tradition" (from Walsh mission statement).  Accordingly, graduate students are expected to maintain consistent ethical and professional behavior in their courses and in their fieldwork in communities where they practice and serve.  All Walsh graduate programs provide education in professional and ethical behavior in conjunction with relevant professional codes of ethics and/or codes of ethics of their academic units.  Students are expected to consult their program handbooks for specific expectations for ethical and professional behavior in their programs.

Student Progress and Retention

Graduate programs provide formative feedback to students regarding their progress in knowledge and skill development.  Faculty members work with students to obtain assistance in developing content mastery and skill development necessary for success in their professional careers.  In conjunction with specific requirements within academic programs, students may participate in structured progress/retention plans for content mastery and skill development.  Students are expected to consult their program handbooks for detailed information.

Administrative Withdrawal (Non-Attendance) (Updated 1/22/24)

Timely class attendance and participation correlate with academic success and relationship building. To support these goals, Walsh University has adopted the following attendance/participation policy for in person, online, and hybrid courses.

After one written warning to the student, and with appropriate notice of such practice in the syllabus, an instructor may administratively withdraw a student from a course after unexcused non-attendance and/or non-participation in at least 20% of the cumulative course hours/assessments, including missed hours/assessments due to unexcused tardiness. Excused absences from class include university approved activities with written approval from coaches, faculty, or other university leaders. Instructors have discretion related to other excused absences as well as required documentation for these absences. Make sure to communicate with your instructors regarding missed classes and required documentation.

The following is a breakdown of 20% of nonattendance/nonparticipation:

  • Seven-week course: Four cumulative unexcused hours and/or 20% of assessment points up to two weeks prior to the end of the semester.
  • Eight-week course: Six cumulative unexcused hours and/or 20% of assessment points up to two weeks prior to the end of the semester.
  • Sixteen-week course: Nine cumulative unexcused absences and/or 20% of assessment points up to two weeks prior to the end of the semester.

Administrative withdrawals will not be permitted after the last day to withdraw from the term (per appropriate term of the Academic calendar) without permission of the Associate Vice President of Academic Administration. Refer to the academic calendar for specific dates. A student who is administratively withdrawn from a class will receive a final grade of W (withdrawal).

E-Learning Modality Considerations

Any student who fails to log in and participate during the first week must contact the instructor as close to the first class session  as possible. If a student fails to log in and participate for two consecutive weeks, the student may be administratively dropped from the class by the instructor per the above general Administrative Withdrawal policy.  (adapted from E-Learning Handbook, 2012.)

Grading System

Walsh University has adopted the following system of letter grades for graduate programs:

Grade Designation Quality Points Per Credit
A Excellent 4.0
A- Superior 3.7
B+ Above average 3.3
B Average 3.0
B- Below average 2.7

Courses with a grade of below "B-" must be repeated or a remediation plan completed (except in the MBA & CHD programs, where no course remediation is available).

Repetition of Courses

Students may repeat any course taken at Walsh University. There may be limits by individual programs set on the number of times a course may be repeated in the program. The recording of grades for a repeated course will be governed by the following conditions:

  1. credit for a course will only be awarded once (The student cannot transfer in a course already completed at Walsh);
  2. the best grade is used in the calculation of the grade point average with the exception that a "W" cannot replace another grade;
  3. the original grade and the repeated grade will appear on the student’s transcript. Only one course is counted toward graduation requirements.

In Progress Grade Policy (IP)

An "IP" grade is issued when the nature of the course requires ongoing work that cannot be completed in the semester in which the student was enrolled in the course. Typical courses for which an "IP" grade is an option include independent studies, field work/clinical experience courses, project courses, self-directed study and similar courses of an unstructured nature. Coursework for an "IP" grade must be completed within one calendar year following the semester in which the grade was issued. When the coursework is completed, the instructor of record will issue a revised grade converting the "IP" to the appropriate letter grade. In cases where one year is not sufficient to complete the coursework for reasons deemed valid by the instructor, the student may appeal to the chair/dean for an extension. If "IP" coursework is not completed and/or an extension has not been approved by the instructor, the "IP" grade will automatically be converted to a letter grade of "F." No student will be allowed to graduate with an "IP" on the official transcript.

The Request for Incomplete or In-Progress form must be submitted by the instructor with the stipulations outlining the outstanding requirements needed to complete the course. This form must then be approved by the student before the grade of IP will be entered by the Office of the Registrar. The form must have been submitted and received all approvals PRIOR to the last day of the term.

Incomplete Grade Policy (I)

An incomplete "I" grade is issued for a structured course when a student is unable to complete a specific component for the required coursework due to valid personal, professional, health, or family crisis reasons. Incomplete coursework must be completed by the end of the following semester. If the outstanding coursework is not completed at the end of this timeframe, the "I" grade will automatically convert to an "F" unless an exception is granted by the chair/dean. No student will be allowed to graduate with an "I" on their official transcript.

The Request for Incomplete or In-Progress form must be submitted by the instructor with the stipulations outlining the outstanding requirements needed to complete the course. This form must then be approved by the student before the grade of I will be entered by the Office of the Registrar. The form must have been submitted and received all approvals PRIOR to the last day of the term.


Graduate students are expected to attend all classes and must­ comply with the specific attendance requirements announced by the instructor at the beginning of each course. Students who miss 4 or more hours of course material may not receive course credit or may be required to make up the course work. Students are encouraged to notify the course instructor in advance of anticipated absence or tardiness. Repeated instances of absence or tardiness in a curriculum leading to a career path are unacceptable and may lead to disciplinary action. A student with an urgent circumstance may be given a reasonable amount of assistance to make up the missed work or exams through remedial work as determined by the instructor.

Changes in Registration (Add/Drop/Course Withdrawal)

Changes in registration are initiated in the Office of the Registrar. A student may add or drop a course(s) during the add/drop period for the semester (refer to program calendar) for specific dates. The student’s official academic record will not reflect courses dropped during the add/drop period. A fee is charged for each change in registration. All requests must be submitted on an official "Change of Registration" form available in the Student Service Center. Canceled courses will be dropped automatically by the Office of the Registrar however; it is the student’s responsibility to add another course in its place. Canceled courses will not be assessed a change in registration fee.

After the add/drop period and no later than two weeks before the last class day, a student may withdraw from a course by completing a Add/Drop Form available in the Student Service Center. The academic advisor and instructor or Program Director must approve any course dropped during this time period.

  • A course dropped after the add/drop period up to the last date of current registration will receive a grade of "W" (Withdrawal). No student will be allowed to drop after this date. Consult the academic calendar for dates.
  • The student who fails to attend a course and who also fails to withdraw will result in a final grade of "F" in the course.
  • Changes in registration of any student receiving veterans’ benefits will be forwarded to the Veterans Administration by the Registrar.

Withdrawal from the University

Registration for classes creates a contract for payment of tuition, fees, and charges. A student choosing to terminate this contract with Walsh University must officially withdraw during the first week of the session within any part of the term in the fall, spring, or summer or any 8-week courses semester; withdrawal from any class lasting less than 8 weeks must be made by the first business day of the session or earlier. Failure to officially withdraw within these refund periods obligates the student to pay all charges in full. Students must notify their Program Director in writing or via email that they plan to withdraw from their graduate program.  Additionally, after notifying the Program Director, a formal withdrawal must be made in writing (or fax) through the Student Service Center; this formal withdrawal and must be signed by the student. Nonattendance to class or notification to a professor does not constitute an official withdrawal. Withdrawal from a class or from the University on or before the sixth business day will cancel all financial obligations to the University.


Five (5) business days or earlier 100% of tuition
Six (6) business days or later no refund


One (1) business day or earlier 100% of tuition
Two (2) business days or later no refund

If a student withdraws from the University beyond the withdrawal date and therefore does not receive an adjustment to tuition, the University may still be required to return a portion of the federal and/or state financial aid to the appropriate programs. Any balance created on the student’s account as a result of this transaction is the responsibility of the student.

Students considering a withdrawal are encouraged to first consult with a financial aid advisor located in the Student Service Center.

If a student withdraws or reduces the number of credit hours after the refund period for reasons beyond his or her control, a detailed letter may be submitted to the Fees and Charges Appeals Committee explaining the extenuating circumstances. Poor academic performance is not considered grounds for appeal.

The University will not grant a refund of charges for any withdrawal or reduction in hours beyond the established deadline without an approval from the Fees and Charges Appeals Committee.

Detailed appeal letters documenting the extenuating circumstances can be addressed to:

Walsh University,
Fees and Appeals Committee, Finance Department,
Attn.: Sarah Sowers,
2020 East Maple Street,
North Canton, Ohio 44720.

Suspension or Expulsion

The University will follow the Withdrawal Policy stated above in the event suspension or expulsion occurs. Students suspended or expelled after the refund periods will be obligated to pay all charges in full.

Semester Hour Load

The semester course load of a full-time graduate student is nine hours. An overload is permitted only upon approval of the director or chairperson of the appropriate program with recommendation of the advisor. The maximum load for a full-time student is 12 credits in any fall or spring semester or combined summer sessions.1 The semester course load of a part-time graduate student is six hours.


Maximum load for a full-time Doctor of Physical Therapy student is 18 credits.


Maximum load for a full-time Master of Occupational Therapy student is 18 credit hours.

Course Designation (500)

Courses numbered 500 or higher are open to graduate students and selected advanced undergraduates with the approval of their advisors and the Program Director.

Academic Appeals

All students have the right to appeal a grade or academic decision which they believe to be in error or unfair. An appeal should not be entered upon lightly by a student, nor lightly dismissed by an instructor or administrator. 


At the end of each term, instructors are required to assign a final grade for all registered students. It is within the instructor's professional jurisdiction to assign the grade the student has earned. Should a grade be assigned that a student believes to be in error, the student has the right to submit an appeal to contest the final grade. A grade appeal is not permitted for students who receive a final grade of "F" due to his/her failure to drop a course within the timeframe as listed in the Academic Calendar. Additionally, grade appeals are not permitted for final grades of "W".

  1. The student should first attempt to resolve the grading issue or academic decision directly with the assigned course instructor. 
  2. Should a student be unable to resolve the grading issue or academic decision directly with the instructor, an Academic Appeal Request must be submitted no later than two calendar weeks after the release of final grades or the academic decision. Requests submitted after this deadline will not be reviewed.
    1. Students must include the rationale behind the grade or academic decision appeal.
  3. The request  must be submitted with all supporting documentation to the division chair or program director. 
    1. The departmental figure above will review the appeal. 
      1. Should the departmental figure determine a grade or academic decision change is appropriate and necessary, the outcome will be communicated to the student.
  4. After the division chair or program director reviews the request, the school dean is responsible for verifying the appropriateness of the decision.
  5. If the student chooses to appeal the division chair or program director's decision, he/she may appeal to the School Dean no later than two weeks following the decision or the division chair or program director.
  6. The final decision of the School Dean is considered final.
  7. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for processing grade changes and academic decision updates that result from an approved Academic Appeal Request

Equity and Grievance Concerns

Walsh University is committed to the equitable and fair treatment of all its members: students, faculty and staff. Accordingly, the University has adopted formal grievance and equity policies governing the conduct of the entire community (see Grievance and Equity policies, pg. 33 of the Student Handbook).

Student Responsibility

It is the student’s responsibility to satisfy the requirements for graduation in the selected curriculum and to observe the academic regulations of the graduate program. While the advisor and the staff of the program stand ready to aid the student in his/her decision making, the final responsibility rests with the student.

Ordinarily, the program prescribed at the time of admission constitutes the minimum course requirements. Additional studies may be required in light of a student’s need for professional or academic background. Such studies will be undertaken with the approval of the student’s advisor and the program director.

CATEGORIES OF MATRICULATED STUDENTS: refer to program specific information.

ACADEMIC ADVISING: refer to program specific information.

Graduation Requirements

Each candidate for a degree is responsible for meeting all requirements for graduation. The Program Director assists the student. Commencement exercises are held at the end of the fall and spring semesters. Diplomas for those terms are awarded upon certification of all degree requirements.  Diplomas are mailed to the graduates who complete their requirements by the end of the term.  Candidates for graduation must file an "Application for Graduation" in the Office of the Registrar according to the following deadlines:

Spring Semester Graduation September 30
Summer Semester Graduation Februrary 1
Fall Semester Graduation June 1

Completed applications for graduation must be returned to the Office of the Registrar. Applications are available in the Student Service Center on the Walsh website or Graduate Portal. All requirements for commencement (financial, academic, institutional) must be met before a candidate for a degree can receive a transcript or diploma. A student who files an application for graduation after the specified date will be included in the first subsequent commencement. However, a student is eligible upon completion of all degree requirements to receive a letter certifying that the requirements for the degree have been completed and stating the date when the degree is to be conferred formally.

International Students


International students are admitted, matriculate and enroll in graduate study only at the beginning of the full semester academic term.  In addition, international students must comply with the admissions, matriculation and enrollment policies of the individual graduate program in which they seek to study.

Requirements for admission of International Students to Walsh University:

  • Completed application for admission
  • Original official transcripts translated into English providing proof that secondary education was successfully completed
  • Original official transcripts from all colleges, universities or professional schools previously attended, translated into English
  • TOEFL score of 500 or higher on the paper-based test, 173 or higher on the computer-based test, or 62 or higher on the Internet test. Minimum IELTS score of 5.5 
  • Walsh's Certification of Financial Responsibility indicating that the funds exist and will be available to pay for the first academic year, supported by financial statements.  
  • All International students are required to purchase health insurance (see below)
  • The student must meet all program specific admission criteria.
  • International students must maintain full-time status (9 or more credit hours per semester) during their stay in the United States.

International Health Insurance Requirement (Walsh University Student Health Insurance Policy)

Walsh University requires all full-time undergraduate and graduate students to have health insurance. Walsh University will automatically enroll all full-time undergraduate and graduate students with the university health plan. Students that waive the university plan must provide documentation of an alternate insurance plan to the Director of International Student Services.

Walsh University policy requires all international students to maintain insurance coverage meeting the following minimum standards:

Minimum coverage for basic accident and illness: $50,000 per condition
Repatriation of remains: $7,500
Medical evacuation (return to home country for medical treatment): $10,000
Deductible (amount you must pay before your insurance provider pays): $500 maximum

The policy provided lasts for 12 months from the first day of classes.  Students can select a 6 month policy if they have proof of graduation within those 12 months.

Academic Integrity Policy and Procedures


Academic integrity lies at the heart of student–teacher relationships involving learning, free inquiry, and the search for knowledge and truth. Inspired by the spirit of the Judeo-Christian tradition expressed in the University’s mission statement, Walsh University requires all faculty and students to act honestly, morally, and ethically in the maintenance of professional standards for learning, research, writing, and assessment. To maintain the academic integrity of the University, students are responsible for their own academic work. Academic dishonesty is not acceptable.


Violations of academic integrity and appropriate penalties vary in severity, and range from failure of a specific test or assignment, reduced course grade, failure of the course, probation, suspension, to expulsion from the University.1 The faculty member has the primary responsibility in determining the severity of the impact on a student’s grades in a course. In cases where the faculty member believes the severity of the offense warrants academic probation, suspension, or dismissal, such a recommendation should proceed through the division chair or school dean to the Office of Graduate Studies. It is the responsibility of the faculty member to provide all documentation and supporting materials related to violations of academic integrity.


Refer to Financial Policies to determine obligation to pay if suspension or expulsion occurs.


If a faculty member discovers, and/or has reason to believe that the student has committed an academic integrity violation, the faculty member checks the Academic Integrity Repository for prior offenses and communicates to the student the nature of the charge, the information collected, and the penalty warranted. The faculty member determines the violation, the student’s grade, and the penalty imposed.

If the student concurs with the decision, the faculty member notifies the division chair/school dean in writing of the decision and the penalty and includes any supporting materials and documentation related to the decision. The chair will send a copy of the report to the Office of Academic Services for inclusion in the Academic Integrity Repository file. If the student maintains that the allegation is in error, or that the decision was unfair, he or she may appeal the decision in accordance with the University’s Academic Appeals procedures. Formal written appeals involving academic decisions in graduate programs will be adjudicated by the Office of Academic Services.

Academic Dishonesty

The definition of Academic dishonesty is the fabrication or misrepresentation of work, either intentional or unintentional, which includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, forgery, sabotage, bribery, and the multi-submission of work.


Plagiarism is the representation of the works, ideas, data, or arguments of others as one’s own. Whether quoting, paraphrasing, or reiterating others’ ideas, students are responsible for documenting any materials taken from other sources. This means that students identify the source through footnotes, quotation marks and/or other forms of documentation. Sources include books, magazines, newspapers, electronic media, private letters, interviews, or other individuals’ work. Additionally, a classroom paper must not be merely a series of phrases, sentences, or paragraphs copied from a source or sources.


Cheating is using, or attempting to use, unacknowledged or unauthorized materials, information, data, or ideas. In addition to plagiarism, looking at another student’s materials and/or using unauthorized external aids of any sort during an exam or completion of assignments is also cheating.


Forgery is the fabricating, altering or counterfeiting of images, documents, or signatures on any information, data, or documents.


Sabotage means deliberately impairing, destroying, damaging, or stealing another’s work or working materials such as lab experiments, library resources, computer programs, term papers, exams, or projects.


Bribery means offering any service or article with the purpose or effect of receiving a grade or other academic benefit not earned on the merits of the academic work.

Multi-Submission of Work

A classroom paper of any type must be the work of the student submitting it.

Students should normally submit credit work for only one course, unless the instructor(s) grant prior written consent for submission to meet requirements for any other course.

Academic Integrity Repository

A confidential file of student academic Integrity violations kept in the office of Academic Affairs. Faculty may request confirmation of prior student offences.

Transcript Requests - Official and Unofficial Transcripts


The Office of the Registrar has officially partnered with the National Student Loan Clearinghouse, and through this website you can order your official transcript. This feature is available to students who were enrolled beginning fall 2000. Students who attended prior to fall 2000 must utilize the alternate transcript request process. Costs: $15.00 per transcript ordered.

Transcript Processing
  • Transcript orders in the National Student Loan Clearinghouse Order Center are typically processed within 1-2 business days.
  • Currently enrolled students should ensure all final semester grades are posted before ordering.
  • Communicate students should confirm that all individual course grades are posted prior to ordering a transcript.
  • Refunds will not be considered. Please review your order to ensure accuracy.
  • Please refer to the University academic calendar for holidays and closures. During these times, transcript orders may not be processed.

Since this is a new partnership, please call us if you need assistance. Simply call 330-490-7367. 

Transcripts CANNOT be released if a Financial or Administrative hold exists.


All transcript requests require a social security number or student ID number, phone number, dates of attendance at Walsh University, address where the transcript(s) will be mailed to and any former name(s). All transcript requests must include student’s signature (this is mandatory for release of your transcript, Public Law 93-579, Privacy Act of 1974).

Transcript orders are typically processed within 3 to 5 business days and will be mailed to the address provided by the student or picked up at the Student Service Center located in Farrell Hall, first floor. A photo ID is required. Costs: $15.00 per transcript ordered.

An Official Transcript Request Form is available online at under Registrar-Forms via the "Transcript Request" button. Requests may be ordered in person, at the Student Service Center, mailed to the University, or faxed to 330-490-7372.

Mail requests to:

Walsh University
2020 East Maple Street
North Canton, OH 44720

Attention: Transcripts (Office of the Registrar)

Transcripts CANNOT be released if a Financial or Administrative hold exists.

Unofficial Transcript Requests

Students may complete an unofficial transcript request form in the Office of the Registrar. Unofficial transcripts are processed within 48 hours. Students can also access their unofficial transcript via the Cavalier Center (Student Self-Service System). 

*Students with balances will need to call the Student Service Center for further information. 

  • 330-490-7367

Transcripts holds that are not balance related will still be withheld until it is resolved. These holds are:

  • AF     Academic Affairs Hold
  • AT     Athletic Hold
  • CO    Compliance Hold
  • DE     Departmental Hold
  • DI      Loan Disclosure Needed
  • EQ    DE Equipment Outstand
  • EX     Exit Interview Needed
  • GD    Graduation Hold
  • JD     Student Conduct Hold
  • LB     Library Hold
  • PC     Perkins Collection
  • PE     Perkins EXIT
  • PK     Parking/Security Hold
  • RH    Registrar's Hold
  • RL     Res Life Hold
  • SA     Student Affairs Hold
  • SH     SPS HOLD
  • TW    Timken/Walsh Collection
  • TX     TEACH Exit Counseling

*Diplomas will not be released if there is a balance due.

In most circumstances, the request will be processed within 72 business hours.

Veterans Benefits and Transition Act (VBTA)

In accordance with the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act (VBTA) of 2018 Walsh University ensures that we will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a Chapter 31 (Voc. Rehab.) or Chapter 33 (Post 9/11) recipient borrow additional funds to cover the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of a payment by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

This policy is limited to tuition funds paid by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and enforced at Institutions of Higher Learning, Non-College Degree Programs, and Flight Schools.

Certain standards of progress are applicable to any student receiving a veteran’s allowance:

  • Students eligible for Veterans Administration (V.A.) educational allowance who do not raise their G.P.A. to that required at the end of the first probationary period (one semester) will be terminated for V.A. payment purposes.
  • Students who withdraw from a course except during the official add-drop period receive no credit. This score is included when determining the cumulative G.P.A. for Veterans Administration payment purposes.