Sociology (SOC)

SOC 101  T1:FD:Principles of Sociology    3 sem. hrs.

Introduction to basic concepts and major orientations in sociology and systematic study of group behavior and human social relationships. Major topics include the nature, content, and change of culture; the socialization process and the development of self; the nature and change of social institutions; and an analysis of major social processes. Final grade must be C or better for Sociology and Criminal Justice majors. Offered fall and spring terms.

SOC 200  Professional Seminar in Sociol    3 sem. hrs.

Serves as an orientation to professionalism, ethical standards in writing and research in Sociology with special emphasis on APA writing and citation style, and scientific writing standards in Sociology. In addition to these standards and expectations, students learn about possible careers in Sociology. Course will be offered each year during fall semester for sophomore-level Sociology majors. For Sociology/Criminal Justice majors only. Offered Fall and Spring terms.Prerequisite: SOC 101

SOC 205  T1:FD:DV:Social/Cult Divers    3 sem. hrs.

The study of sociocultural processed influencing majority/minority group interactions. Focuses on minority group identities and problems and how prejudice and discrimination impact/majority/minority intergroup relations. Next offered: Spring 2026

SOC 207  H1:Population    3 sem. hrs.

Study of trends in human population influenced by birth, migration and death. Examines national and global issues, including population aging, distribution of disease and disability, and social consequences of demographic changes.

SOC 209  Contemporary Policing    3 sem. hrs.

The focus of this course is the evolution of policing form reactive to proactive policing strategies in contemporary society. Students will examine the history, process and organization of policing. Special topic areas include Community Oriented Policing, Problem Based/Intelligence Led Policing, Restorative Policing, as well as current issues facing police today (e.g., terrorism, budget declines, immigration, surveillance and other forms of technology). Students will critically evaluate the role of the police in a constantly changing society using policing theory and relevant research on policing practices. Next offered: every fall semester.

SOC 210  T1:Juvenile Crime/Justice    3 sem. hrs.

Focuses on juvenile crime and reactions to such behavior by the juvenile justice system. Issues covered include, but are not limited to, diversion, status offenders, legal rights of juveniles, justice system management and theory, and the preventions and treatment of juvenile delinquency. Next offered: every spring semester.

SOC 212  T1:Criminal Justice    3 sem. hrs.

Study of the administration of criminal justice in the United States with focus on the realities of the criminal justice system (police, prosecution, courts, corrections) and the criminal justice process dealing with the disposition of cases of persons charged with crimes. Current criminal justice practices and constitutional limitations are highlighted. Next offered: every fall semester. Criminal Justice majors only.

SOC 220  Social Research Methods    3 sem. hrs.

Survey of research design, data-gathering techniques, and statistical procedures in social and behavioral sciences and evaluation programs. Designed to acquaint student with all phases of research; conceptualization, measurement, research format, sampling, data collection, analysis, and interpretation. Final grade must be C or better for Sociology and Criminal Justice majors. Offered fall and spring semesters.

SOC 303  H1:DV:Marriage, Family&Intimac    3 sem. hrs.

Analysis of the family as a social system in relation to family structure and function. Focuses on the process of interpersonal interactions in the context of marital and parental relationships and family crises. Next offered: TBD.

SOC 305  Criminology    3 sem. hrs.

Survey of the sociological, social-psychological, and psychological aspects of crime and criminal behavior through exploration of criminological theories. Major topics include structural, process, and conflict theories within criminology, causes of crime, types of criminality, and victim/offender characteristics. Offered every fall term. Criminal Justice majors only.

Prerequisite: SOC 101 .

SOC 307  H2b:DV:Death, Dying and Bereav    3 sem. hrs.

Interdisciplinary approach to death, dying and bereavement, combining social and behavioral sciences, health care, humanities and the legal system. Emphasizes caring for the dying and the bereaved, societal responses to death, death-related traditions and evaluation of current research in the field of death and dying.

Prerequisite: SOC 101 or PSYC 120 and Junior Status.

SOC 311  TH2:CH:SL:H1:DV:Medical Soc.    3 sem. hrs.

The course examines the cultural and social context of physical and mental health and illness and the development and structure of the US health care system. Course topics include the social, psychological, behavioral, economic, cultural, and environmental variations in health and disease, the experience of illness, the healing professions, health policy, relations between physicians and patients, the structure and processes of health care organizations, and comparative health care systems. Next offered: every fall semester.

SOC 313  Selected Topics in Applied Soc    3 sem. hrs.

Intensive examination of a selected topic in applied sociology. Content varies year to year; may be taken more than once. Examples: juvenile crime and justice, community policing, domestic violence, sociology of law. Next offered: TBA.

SOC 313-2  ST:Crime, Media and Culture    3 sem. hrs.

Highlights the increasing analytic attention given to popular culture constructions, especially within the mass media, of crime and crime control. Analyses juxtapose the socially constructed image of crime provided through mass media outlets with the scientific realities of crime and criminal justice. The course focuses on, but is not limited to, the fundamental role of the media in defining criminal behavior, thetypes of crimes focused upon in the media, media portrayal of criminal justice actors, and the media as a cause of crime. Next offered TBA.

Prerequisite: SOC 101.

SOC 314  H1:DV:Sociology of Aging    3 sem. hrs.

Comprehensive study of aging from individual and societal perspectives. Focuses on aging occurring in the context of family and other social institutions. Emphasizes aging as a complex and individualized process. Includes social programs addressing needs of the elderly and their caregivers. Evaluates current research in gerontology. Next Offered: TBD

Prerequisite: SOC 101 or PSYC 120 and Junior Status.

SOC 315  TH1:DV:CT:DM:CH:HthDisparities    3 sem. hrs.

This course is designed to provide an understanding of the correlation between biological and demographic characteristics and disparities in health and health care in the United States. Students will explore descriptive measures of health indicators used in social epidemiology and the demographic distribution of health outcomes across social locations. They will also examine the pathways between social determinants and health inequalities, which include access to health care, community context, cultural beliefs of health and illness, health behaviors, prejudice and discrimination, and social support.

SOC 320  Data Collection Techniques    3 sem. hrs.

This course offers an applied approach to data collection techniques in social science research. Students will learn survey design and implementation, including techniques for primary data collection. They will also gain experience accessing a variety of secondary data sources. Next offered: TBD.

Prerequisites: SOC 220 and BSC 221.

SOC 321  Data Analysis/Management    3 sem. hrs.

This course is a continuation of what is learned in BSC 221, Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Students will become familiar with a variety of statistical and analytic procedures most commonly used in social research, including a review of bivariate statistics and logistic and multiple regression, including testing for moderation and mediation. Students will also learn to construct scale and index variables and to do other variable transformations, clean and manage data, deal with missing data, and present findings in tables and graphs. Next offered: TBDPrerequisite: SOC 320.

SOC 322  Restorative Justice    3 sem. hrs.

Core course within Sociology - Applied Criminal Justice. Focus is placed on the contrast between Restorative Justice and traditional Criminal Justice approaches. In keeping with the mission of Walsh University, this course draws attention to the diversity of experiences of both victims and offenders in the criminal justice system with special emphasis placed upon strengths of social justice models that encourage a coordinated relationship between victims, offenders, and their communities. The course framework focuses on reparation of harm, healing of trauma, reconciliation of interpersonal conflict, decreasing social inequalities, and the reintegration of marginalized people. Next Offered: TBD.

SOC 340  ST:Sociology of Disabilities    3 sem. hrs.

Examination of physical, cognitive and emotional disabilities through the life course. Students will be exposed to the historical and cultural construction of disability on the individual and institutional level with special focus placed upon disability as a social status related to social inequality and difference. Disability is explored using a variety of theoretical constructs and statistics. Next offered: TBDPrerequisite: None.

SOC 401  H2b:Sociological Theory    3 sem. hrs.

Systematic study of major classic and contemporary sociological theorists. Among areas emphasized are the variety and conflict of orientations toward society and the image of mankind, empirical support for explanations, and recent revisions of theoretical schemes. Restricted to Sociology majors, and Junior or Senior Status. Offered every spring term.

SOC 460-1  Research Project Proposal    3 sem. hrs.

Students will develop a project proposal, following IRB guidelines, and subject to the approval of the instructor. Next offered TBA.

Prerequisite: SOC 321.

SOC 460-2  Senior Research Project    3 sem. hrs.

Each student will complete a research project, culminating in a written research report and presentation. Next offered: TBDPrerequisite: SOC 460-1

SOC 490  Independent Study in App Soc    3 sem. hrs.

Offered every semester. Requires approval by Program Director and Vice President for Academic Affairs.