Visual and Performing Arts (VPA)

VPA 101  T1:FD: Arts Appreciation    3 sem. hrs.

This is an introductory Arts Appreciation course that draws interconnections among Studio Art, Art History, Music and Drama. (T1 Art/Music) Offered every Fall 1 and Spring 2.

VPA 200  Cultural Immersion in the Arts    3 sem. hrs.

Students will attend a series of arts experiences including performances in music, dance, and theater, as well as art exhibits. Students will write reflections on some of these experiences using terminology germane to those art forms. Offered every Spring full term.

VPA 210  Global Learning in Arts & Cult    3 sem. hrs.

Students will have a Global Learning experience in which the Arts are a primary focus, either Music, Art, Art History, Theater or a combination of the above.

VPA 301  Professional VPA Internship    3 sem. hrs.

Students will be placed in a professional internship in the Arts, likely at a non-profit organization designed to support, perform, curate, and educate those in the Arts.

VPA 400  DM:Sr Capstone Project in Arts    3 sem. hrs.

Students will engage in a capstone project in their artistic focus, either as a culminating performance (music, drama), an art exhibit, or a thesis presentation (art history). All capstone projects will be archived digitally.