Philosophy (PHIL)

PHIL 100  T1:FD:IntroductiontoPhilosophy    3 sem. hrs.

By examining Socrates, Plato and other representative philosophers, this course introduces students to selected philosophical problems, historical issues, and philosophical positions. Offered every semester.

PHIL 201  TH3: Intro to Art of Thinking    3 sem. hrs.

This course introduces students to the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to identify, evaluate and compose persuasive deductive and inductive arguments in natural language.

PHIL 202  DV: Phil of Human Nature    3 sem. hrs.

Since human nature may be understood and explained in a variety of ways, students in this course will examine the meaning and uniqueness of human nature, its various explanations, distinctive features and main controversies. Offered every semester.

PHIL 203  T1:DV:FD: Moral Philosophy    3 sem. hrs.

This course focuses on the meaning of human happiness and the ethical norms necessary for attaining it. Discussions include the ethical virtues and the meanings of such concepts as good/evil and right/wrong. Selected moral problems and ethical theories are also explored. Offered every semester.

PHIL 210  From Socr Spiel: Phil Thr Fil    3 sem. hrs.

Course examines the major fields of Philosophy through texts and contemporary films. Offered every semester.

PHIL 275  TH1:TH3:DV:CIT: Environ Phil    3 sem. hrs.

This course introduces the interdisciplinary approach to environmental studies. It examines the metaphysical, ethical, political, social, aesthetic and scientific dimensions of current and historical environmental issues at the local and global scale. It is a required course for the interdisciplinary minor in environmental studies.

PHIL 302  Metaphysics    3 sem. hrs.

This course provides students an opportunity to study the nature, origin and structures of reality as determined through various Ancient, Modern and/or Contemporary philosophers. The nature of God, causality, essence and existence, truth and being are explored within a historical context.

PHIL 304  H3:TH1:TH2: Bioethics    3 sem. hrs.

Interdisciplinary study of what science can do and what science ought to do. Exponential advances in medical-scientific knowledge and technology present many questions and problems that must be considered from the viewpoint of philosophical ethics. Problems such as forgoing medical treatment, surrogate decision-making, euthanasia, confidentiality and human experimentation are considered. Offered every semester.

PHIL 350  H2b:TH2: Philosophy ofMedicine    3 sem. hrs.

This course focuses on the epistemological study of health and disease and the evolution of the medical model. Discussions will concentrate on identifying and defining key biophilosophical concepts including: the nature of illness, the goals and limitations of medical research, and the social and moral issues that arise at the intersection of science and philosophy. Offered every Fall.

PHIL 400  Special Topics in Philosophy    3 sem. hrs.

An in-depth examination of a unique topic in Philosophy. This course is designed to meet the specific needs of students in Philosophy, based upon student interest and demand

PHIL 406  Internship Adv Clin Bioethics    3 sem. hrs.

Designed to be a supervised internship that provides an immersion experience where students can observe the clinical issues that arise in the clinical setting, primarily within critical care. Students may be exposed to the following types of topics: advance directives, hospice, surrogate decision making, Do Not Resuscitate orders, medical futility, artificial nutrition and hydration, forgoing medical treatment. Two hours per week are spent on site at Aultman Hospital and one hour per week is didactic on campus. It is offered on demand by arrangement with permission from both a Walsh instructor and the Philosophy and Theology Division Chair, as well as the supervisor of the off-campus site. Offered in Spring of even-numbered years.

Prerequisite: PHIL 304 Bioethics.

PHIL 408  H3:Sem:Selected Topics in Phil    3 sem. hrs.

Intensive examination of a philosophical problem selected from any of the systematic areas. The seminar's major concentration is individual investigation and discussion of the results of that research. This course may be taken twice in a four-year period since the topic is different each time.