Healthcare Administration (HCA)

HCA 200  Healthcare Systems    3 sem. hrs.

Provides an overview of concepts and issues related to healthcare delivery systems, resources, administrative structure and decision-making. The theoretical basis of systems and major healthcare policies are examined.

HCA 300  Healthcare Law & Ethics    3 sem. hrs.

Provides and understanding of healthcare law. Common legal and practical moral and ethical issues confronting healthcare organization and practice and examines.

Prerequisite: HCA 200.

HCA 340  Managed Care & Reimbursement    3 sem. hrs.

Examines the process and implications of managed care and reimbursement from the viewpoint of the payer and provider. Topics include the history of managed care, types of managed care and health care delivery systems.

Prerequisite: HCA 200.

HCA 400  Healthcare Admin Capstone    3 sem. hrs.

Application of knowledge about current issues facing healthcare in a community of the student's choice complete with an analysis and synthesis of solutions for healthcare issues.

Prerequisites: HCA 200, HCA 300, HCA 340.