First Year Experience (FYE)

FYE 101  Life Skills for College I    1 sem. hr.

Focusing on first year traditional-age students, this course emphasizes the academic and social passage into a college environment with particular emphasis upon areas of diversity, information literacy, technology, critical thinking and healthy relationships. Instructors will direct small groups through a series of interactive reading, information gathering, and writing activities. This course is split by successive semesters and students must take the course in consecutive order depending on their admit term. This is a required course for Graduation.

FYE 115  Study Skills on Course    1 sem. hr.

This placement-only course is required as part of Walsh University's Academic Achievement Program for students with academic probation status. The class will assist students in processing how they study, take tests, communicate and network, and manage their time. They will be required to keep a planner, construct an Academic Action Plan, and problem-solve areas that are keeping them from achieving their goals. They will also explore their major and career choices. Ten hours of tutoring and five one-hour counseling sessions are required of freshmen and sophomores on academic probation. Recommended for juniors and seniors. Offered every semester.